Discussing "Think and Grow Rich" Chapter 2: Desire
Jan 24, 2025Doug: “Welcome back, everyone, to The Fuel for Financial Freedom Podcast! I’m Doug Shepherd, and I’m here with my co-host, Dave Smith. Today, we’re diving into Chapter 2 of Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and let me tell you, this chapter is where the magic starts. Dave, are you ready to talk about Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement?”
Dave: “Oh, absolutely, Doug! If there’s one chapter that sets the tone for the entire book, it’s this one. Hill doesn’t just talk about wanting success, he’s talking about a burning desire, an all-consuming obsession that fuels every action you take. This isn’t about daydreaming; it’s about setting your soul on fire for what you want.”
Doug: “Exactly. And here’s the thing: Hill says desire isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s the non-negotiable starting point for achieving anything great. Without it, your goals are just wishes. But with it? You become unstoppable. Dave, what’s your favorite part of this chapter?”
Dave: “Oh, hands down, it’s the six-step formula Hill gives us for turning desire into reality. It’s like a step-by-step blueprint for success. But here’s the kicker, it’s not just about setting goals. It’s about creating a plan, taking action, and building the kind of faith that refuses to accept failure. This chapter is a wake-up call for anyone who’s been sitting on the sidelines waiting for success to come to them.”
Doug: “And let’s not forget the stories Hill shares, like Edwin C. Barnes, who was so obsessed with working with Thomas Edison that he turned his desire into a partnership. That’s the power of a burning desire, it doesn’t just motivate you; it magnetizes opportunities to you.”
Dave: “Absolutely. And here’s why this chapter is so important: desire is the fuel. Without it, even the best plans fall flat. But with it? You can overcome any obstacle, outwork any challenge, and achieve things you never thought possible. This chapter is all about lighting that fire within you.”
Doug: “So, if you’ve ever felt stuck, if you’ve ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their dreams while others just talk about them, this episode is for you. We’re breaking down Hill’s principles of desire and showing you how to apply them in your own life. Because here’s the truth: Your desire determines your destiny. And by the end of this episode, you’ll know exactly how to turn your dreams into reality.”
Dave: “Let’s do this, Doug. Chapter 2 is all about unlocking the power of desire, and trust me, you don’t want to miss this.”
Doug: “Stay tuned, everyone. This is going to be good.”
Dave: “Absolutely, Doug! Chapter 2 is where Hill really lays the foundation for success. And it all starts with one thing, desire. But not just any desire. We’re talking about a burning, obsessive, unshakable desire. Hill makes it clear that if you don’t have that, you’re not going anywhere. What stood out to you the most in this chapter?”
Doug: “Oh, there’s so much, but one thing that really hit me was Hill’s emphasis on definiteness of desire. He says that success starts with a clear and specific goal. Without that, our efforts are scattered, and our results are uncertain. It’s like trying to hit a target in the dark, you’re just shooting blindly. But when you have a definite desire, it becomes this driving force that propels you forward. What do you think about that, Dave?”
Dave: “I love that point, Doug. It’s so true. Hill warns us about the trap of vague wishes. You know, those little daydreams we all have, like, ‘Oh, I wish I could be rich” or “I wish I could start my own business.’ But those are just fleeting thoughts; they don’t have any real power. Hill says that hope is passive; it just sits there waiting for something to happen. But desire? When it’s definite, it’s active. It pushes you to take deliberate steps toward your goal. It’s like flipping a switch in your mind.”
Doug: “Exactly! And that’s where the magic happens. Hill talks about how a definite desire builds this magnetic pull that attracts the right resources, people, and circumstances into your life. It’s almost like you’re programming your subconscious mind to filter out distractions and focus only on what matters. It’s the first step toward developing that unwavering belief in your ability to achieve your goal.”
Dave: “Yes! And Hill illustrates this with the story of Edwin C. Barnes, who wanted to work with Thomas Edison. But here’s the thing, Barnes didn’t just want to work for Edison; he wanted to partner with him. That’s a huge difference. Barnes had such a clear, definite desire that he visualized it with absolute certainty. And because of that, his actions followed naturally. When the opportunity came, he was ready to seize it. That’s the power of definiteness of purpose.”
Doug: “That story is so inspiring. It really drives home the point that success isn’t accidental, it’s intentional. It’s about having that clarity of desire that fuels persistent action. Hill says it perfectly: ‘A vague goal leads to vague results, but a definite goal fuels persistent action.’ It’s not enough to just want success; you have to define it in such vivid detail that your mind can’t mistake it for anything else.”
Dave: “Absolutely. And that brings us to one of my favorite quotes from this chapter: ‘Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.’ Doug, what’s your take on this quote?”
Doug: “Oh, this quote is gold, Dave. It’s like the blueprint for success. Hill is saying that wishing is passive, it’s just a vague hope without any real commitment or action. But desire? That’s active and powerful. It’s this deep, burning craving that consumes your thoughts and drives you to take action. And Hill stresses that desire has to become an obsession. It’s not enough to just want something; you have to be obsessed with it. That’s what gives you the focus and intensity to keep going, no matter what.”
Dave: “Yes! And then he ties it all together with planning and persistence. You can’t just have desire; you need a clear plan to achieve your goal. And once you have that plan, you have to back it up with relentless persistence. Hill says persistence is the key; it’s what keeps you going when things get tough. And here’s the kicker: persistence doesn’t recognize failure. Failure isn’t even an option in your mind. You just keep pushing forward until you achieve your goal.”
Doug: “That’s the essence of Hill’s philosophy, isn’t it? Success isn’t about luck or wishful thinking. It’s about a deliberate, disciplined process fueled by intense desire, careful planning, and relentless persistence. When you internalize that mindset, you can transform your dreams into reality. It’s not easy, but it’s absolutely possible.”
Dave: “Exactly. And I think that’s why “Think and Grow Rich” has stood the test of time. These principles are universal. Whether you’re trying to build wealth, start a business, or achieve any other goal, it all starts with desire. You have to want it so badly that it becomes an obsession. And then you have to take massive action to make it happen.”
Doug: “Couldn’t agree more, Dave. So, to everyone listening, if you take one thing away from this episode, let it be this: Get clear on your desire. Define it in vivid detail. Make it so specific that it becomes a burning obsession. And then go after it with everything you’ve got. Because, as Hill says, ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’”
Dave: “Well said, Doug. And on that note, let’s break down the six-step formula Hill outlines for turning desire into reality. Doug, this is where things get really practical. What’s your take on these steps?”
Doug: “Dave, I love this part because it’s like Hill is giving us a roadmap. It’s not just about having a dream; it’s about having a plan. And these six steps are so actionable. Let’s jump into the first one: Fix in Your Mind the Exact Amount of Money or Goal You Desire. Hill says clarity is power. You can’t just say, ‘I want to be rich’ or ‘I want to be successful.’ You have to be specific. What do you think about that, Dave?”
Dave: “Oh, absolutely. This is where a lot of people go wrong. They have these vague ideas of what they want, but they don’t get specific. Hill is saying, ‘No, you need to know exactly what you want.’ Whether it’s a financial goal, like earning $100,000 a year, or a personal goal, like writing a book, you have to define it clearly. That clarity helps focus your energy and gives your subconscious mind something concrete to work toward. It’s like setting a GPS destination, you can’t get there if you don’t know where ‘there’ is.”
Doug: “Exactly! And that leads us to the second step: Determine What You Will Give in Return for It. Hill reminds us that success doesn’t come without sacrifice. You have to ask yourself, ‘What am I willing to give up? What am I willing to invest, whether it’s time, energy, skills, or resources?’ This step is all about the principle of reciprocity. You can’t expect to receive without giving something in return.”
Dave: “That’s such an important point, Doug. It’s easy to focus on what we want, but Hill is saying, “Hey, success is a two-way street.” You have to be willing to put in the work, make the sacrifices, and invest in yourself. And that brings us to the third step: Establish a Definite Date for Its Attainment. Deadlines are everything, right? Without a timeline, goals can just float around in the “someday” zone.”
Doug: “Yes! Deadlines create urgency and motivation. Hill says that without a time frame, goals remain dreams. But when you set a date, whether it’s six months, a year, or five years from now, it forces you to take action. It keeps you accountable and disciplined. And let’s be honest, Dave, how many of us have goals that we’ve been putting off for years because we didn’t set a deadline?”
Dave: “Too many, Doug. Too many. And that’s why the fourth step is so crucial: Create a Detailed Plan and Begin Immediately, Whether You’re Ready or Not. This is where a lot of people get stuck. They wait for the ‘perfect’ moment to start, but Hill is saying, ‘No, start now!’ Even if your plan isn’t perfect, taking action builds momentum. You can adjust and refine as you go, but you have to start.”
Doug: “I love that. Action is the antidote to procrastination. And it’s so true, you don’t have to have everything figured out before you begin. In fact, you’ll figure things out as you go. But you have to take that first step. And that brings us to the fifth step: Write a Clear, Concise Statement of the Goal, Deadline, and Plan. Hill is a big believer in the power of writing things down. Why do you think that is, Dave?”
Dave: “Writing things down makes them real. It takes your goal out of the realm of imagination and puts it into the physical world. When you write it down, it becomes a contract with yourself. It’s a roadmap that keeps you focused and aligned with your desires. And Hill isn’t just talking about scribbling something on a piece of paper. He’s talking about a clear, concise statement that includes your goal, your deadline, and your plan. It’s like your personal mission statement.”
Doug: “Absolutely. And that leads us to the sixth and final step: Read This Statement Aloud Twice Daily, with Faith and Emotion. This is where the magic happens, Alex. Hill says that repetition with belief programs your subconscious mind. When you read your statement aloud every morning and every night, filled with conviction, it helps internalize your goals. It aligns your thoughts, feelings, and actions with success.”
Dave: “This step is so powerful because it’s about more than just reading words. It’s about feeling them. You have to read your statement with faith and emotion, as if it’s already happened. That’s what programs your subconscious mind to work toward your goal, even when you’re not consciously thinking about it. It’s like planting a seed in your mind and watering it every day with belief and emotion.”
Doug: “Exactly. And when you combine all six steps, you’ve got a formula for success. It’s about clarity, commitment, action, and belief. Hill is saying that if you follow these steps consistently, you engage both your conscious and subconscious mind, and that’s what magnifies your ability to manifest your desires into reality.”
Dave: “And let’s not forget the role of burning desire in all of this. Hill says that burning desire is the catalyst, the fuel for achievement. It’s not just a wish or a hope; it’s an all-consuming obsession. When your desire is that intense, it gives you the focus and persistence to keep going, no matter what obstacles come your way.”
Doug: “That’s so true. Hill talks about how burning desire turns challenges into stepping stones. When you’re obsessed with your goal, obstacles don’t discourage you, they motivate you to find a way around them. And that’s the kind of mindset that leads to success.”
Dave: “Absolutely. So, to everyone listening, if you take one thing away from this episode, let it be this: Follow the six-step formula. Get clear on your goal, determine what you’re willing to give, set a deadline, create a plan, write it down, and read it aloud every day with faith and emotion. And most importantly, fuel it all with a burning desire. Because, as Hill says, ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’”
Doug: “Well said, Dave. And on that note, before we wrap up our discussion let’s look at this quote” ‘When riches begin to come, they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years.’ It’s such a poetic and profound statement. What’s your take on it, Dave?”
Dave: “Oh, I love this quote, Doug. It’s one of those lines that stops you in your tracks. At first glance, it feels almost magical, like riches just appear out of nowhere. But when you really dig into it, you realize it’s about so much more than luck or chance. Hill is talking about the nature of success and how it often arrives in a sudden, overwhelming wave after a period of struggle or stagnation. What do you think about that?”
Doug: “I think you’re spot on, Dave. It’s such a powerful reminder that success isn’t always linear. We often think of wealth and achievement as something that builds slowly over time, like climbing a staircase. But Hill is saying, ‘No, sometimes it’s more like a dam breaking.’ You put in all this work during the ‘lean years’ the times when it feels like nothing is happening, and then suddenly, everything comes rushing in. It’s like the universe is rewarding you for all that effort.”
Dave: “Exactly. And those lean years, that period of preparation, learning, and persistence, are so crucial. It’s easy to get discouraged during that time because it feels like you’re not making progress. But Hill is saying, ‘Hey, you’re laying the groundwork. You’re planting seeds.’ And when the conditions are right, those seeds grow rapidly. It’s like compound effort, small, consistent actions over time lead to exponential results.”
Doug: “That’s such a great analogy, Dave. It’s like compound interest for your goals. You’re making deposits every day, whether it’s developing skills, building relationships, or refining your plans, and eventually, the interest starts compounding. And when it does, the results can feel almost overwhelming. But here’s the thing: it’s not magic. It’s the result of all that effort you put in during the lean years.”
Dave: “Absolutely. And Hill ties this back to the power of the subconscious mind. During those lean years, your subconscious is being programmed with your goals, desires, and plans. Once your subconscious is fully aligned with your conscious efforts, it starts working in your favor. It’s like your mind becomes a magnet, attracting opportunities and resources that accelerate your success.”
Doug: “That’s such a key point, Dave. The ‘sudden’ arrival of riches isn’t really sudden at all. It’s the result of your mind and actions finally being in sync. It’s not that the riches were hiding; it’s that you were finally ready to recognize and seize the opportunities that were always there. It’s like the universe was waiting for you to catch up.”
Dave: “I love that perspective, Doug. And it ties into another important theme in this quote: persistence. The lean years can be tough. They’re the times when most people give up. But Hill is saying, ‘If you stay the course, your persistence will pay off in a big way.’ The rapid arrival of riches is a reward for your unwavering commitment to your goal.”
Doug: “Yes! And that’s why this quote is such a call to action. It’s a reminder to keep going, even when progress seems slow or nonexistent. Hill is saying, ‘Don’t give up during the lean years, because the riches you seek are closer than you think.’ It’s about trusting the process and staying consistent, even when it feels like nothing is happening.”
Dave: “And that’s where the shift in perspective comes in. Instead of seeing the lean years as wasted time, we need to see them as a necessary part of the journey. Every setback, every challenge, and every moment of doubt is preparing us for the abundance that’s coming. When riches finally arrive, we’ll look back and realize that the lean years were essential for our growth and development.”
Doug: “That’s such a powerful mindset shift, Dave. It’s about celebrating the journey, not just the destination. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, we need to appreciate the lessons and growth that come from the lean years. They’re an essential part of our story.”
Dave: “Absolutely. And that brings us to the practical application of this quote. If you’re in the middle of your lean years right now, here’s what Hill is telling you to do:
- Trust the process. Understand that success often takes time. The lean years are not a sign of failure; they’re a sign that you’re building the foundation for future success.
- Stay consistent. Keep taking action, even when you don’t see immediate results. Every effort you make is contributing to your eventual success.
- Prepare for abundance. Use the lean years to develop the skills, mindset, and habits you’ll need to handle success when it arrives. When the floodgates open, you’ll be ready to make the most of it.
- Celebrate the journey. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, appreciate the lessons and growth that come from the lean years. They’re an essential part of your story.”
Doug: “Well said, Dave. And I think that’s why this quote matters so much. It’s a powerful reminder that success is often a result of delayed gratification. The lean years are not a punishment; they’re an investment in your future. When you stay committed to your goals, even during the tough times, you set the stage for rapid and abundant success.”
Dave: “Exactly. And Hill’s message is clear: Don’t give up during the lean years, because the riches you seek are closer than you think. It’s both a reassurance and a call to action. It reassures us that the lean years are not in vain and that success is on its way. At the same time, it calls us to stay persistent, keep working, and trust that our efforts will eventually lead to abundance.”
Doug: “And as Hill famously said, ‘Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.’ So, to everyone listening, if you’re in the middle of your lean years right now, keep going. Your riches are closer than you think.”
Dave: “Well said, Doug. And on that note, we’ll wrap up today’s episode. Thanks for joining us as we explored this powerful chapter from Think and Grow Rich. If you enjoyed this conversation, share this episode with someone who needs a little inspiration. Next time we’re tackling Chapter 3: Faith. Doug, this chapter is a game-changer. It’s all about the power of belief and how faith can literally shape your reality. Are you ready to get into it?”
Doug: “Absolutely, Dave! If Chapter 2 was about desire, then Chapter 3 is about taking that desire and turning it into unshakable belief. Hill says faith is the “eternal elixir” that gives life, power, and action to your thoughts. But here’s the kicker, faith isn’t just about hoping for the best. It’s about knowing your goal is already yours. How’s that for a mindset shift?”
Dave: “Mind-blowing, right? And Hill doesn’t stop there. He gives us practical steps to develop this kind of faith, steps that can literally reprogram your subconscious mind. We’re talking about visualization, affirmations, and the power of autosuggestion. This isn’t just theory; it’s a blueprint for building unshakable confidence in your ability to achieve anything.”
Doug: “Exactly. And here’s why this chapter is so important: without faith, even the strongest desire can fizzle out. Faith is what keeps you going when the odds are against you. It’s what turns “I hope I can” into “I know I will.” And Hill is saying that this kind of faith isn’t just reserved for a lucky few, it’s something anyone can develop with the right mindset and tools.”
Dave: “So, if you’ve ever doubted yourself, if you’ve ever felt like your dreams were out of reach, this episode is for you. We’re breaking down Hill’s principles of faith and showing you how to apply them in your own life. Because here’s the truth: Your belief determines your reality. And by the end of this episode, you’ll have the tools to start shaping that reality today. See you there!”
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