"Think and Grow Rich" - Chapter 8 Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination
Mar 07, 2025Doug: "Alright, welcome back to Fuel for Financial Freedom, everyone! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s going to hit home for a lot of you. How many of you have ever had a big idea, a dream, or a goal… but then just… froze? You overthought it, waited for the ‘perfect moment,’ or maybe even talked yourself out of it entirely? Raise your hand if that’s you, don’t worry, we can’t see you, but we know you’re out there. Well, today, we’re talking about decision-making and how it’s the secret sauce to financial success. And we’re pulling straight from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 8: Decision. Trust me, this is going to be a game-changer."
Dave: "Oh, absolutely. And Doug, I love that you brought up freezing because I think we’ve all been there. I’ll never forget this one time; I had this idea to start a podcast years ago. I bought the mic, I had the concept, I even recorded a few test episodes. But then I kept thinking, what if no one listens? What if I sound terrible? What if I fail? So, I just… didn’t launch it. Fast forward a few years, and I see someone else with the exact same concept, and they’re killing it! I was like, that could’ve been me."
Doug: "Ouch. That’s a perfect example of what Napoleon Hill talks about in this chapter. He says, ‘People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.’ So, Dave, you hesitated, over-analyzed, and missed the opportunity. And the thing is, it’s not just about money, it’s about progress, growth, and living the life you want. But fear, doubt, and over-analysis keep so many people stuck."
Dave: "Exactly. And it’s not just about starting something, it’s about sticking with it. Hill talks about how unsuccessful people lack commitment. They might start a business, but at the first sign of trouble or criticism, they bail. I’ve seen this happen with friends. One of my buddies wanted to start a fitness coaching business. He was super passionate about it, but his family kept saying, ‘Are you sure? That’s so risky. Why don’t you just stick to your 9-to-5?’ And guess what? He quit before he even really started."
Doug: "That’s such a common story. And it’s heartbreaking because, as Hill points out, successful people operate completely differently. They make decisions quickly and stick to them. They don’t let fear or outside opinions shake their resolve. They trust their instincts and their research. And here’s the kicker, they understand that inaction is the biggest risk of all. Like, you can’t win the game if you don’t even step onto the field."
Dave: "Right. And I love how Hill emphasizes that actions speak louder than words. He says, ‘Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.’ So many people talk a big game, ‘I’m going to start a business, I’m going to write a book, I’m going to get rich’, but they never actually do anything. And here’s a fascinating tidbit: research shows that when you tell people your big goals, your brain releases dopamine, and it tricks you into feeling like you’ve already accomplished something. So, you get this false sense of progress, and it actually reduces your motivation to take action."
Doug: "Wow, that’s wild. So, basically, if you’re out there telling everyone, ‘I’m going to start a podcast!’ or ‘I’m going to launch this amazing app!’ but you haven’t actually done anything yet, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You’re getting that little hit of satisfaction without putting in the work. And then, on top of that, you’re opening yourself up to criticism and doubt from others, which can totally derail you."
Dave: "Exactly. And that’s why Hill says to let your actions speak first. Don’t just talk about your dreams, show people what you’re capable of. When they see your results, they’ll respect you more. And honestly, it’s so much more inspiring to see someone who’s actually done something than someone who’s just talking about it."
Doug: "Absolutely. And let’s talk about indecision for a second because Hill really hammers this point home. He says, ‘Indecision is a habit which usually begins in youth.’ Think about it, how many of us were taught to make decisions for ourselves growing up? Most of us were told what to do, what to think, and what was best for us. So, by the time we’re adults, we’re like, ‘Wait, how do I even make a decision?’"
Dave: "Totally. I remember being in high school and having no clue what I wanted to do with my life. I’d ask my parents, ‘What should I be when I grow up?’ and they’d say, ‘Just get good grades and we’ll see.’ So, I just drifted along, waiting for someone to tell me what to do. And that’s exactly what Hill warns against, drifting through life without a definite purpose. Successful people know what they want, and they make decisions quickly and confidently because they’ve got that clarity."
Doug: "And that brings us to the million-dollar question: how do you overcome indecision? Hill gives us a few key steps. First, define a clear purpose. Decide what you want and work toward it with focus. Second, make decisions quickly and confidently. Train yourself to act instead of hesitating. Third, stop waiting for permission or guidance from others. Take responsibility for your own choices. And finally, develop independent thinking. Don’t let society or authority figures dictate your future."
Dave: "Love that. And I think the last point is so important, developing independent thinking. It’s about trusting yourself and your ability to make good decisions. And here’s the thing: every decision involves some level of risk. But as Hill says, ‘Financial independence, riches, desirable business and professional positions are not within reach of the person who neglects or refuses to EXPECT, PLAN, and DEMAND these things.’ You have to believe it’s possible, create a plan, and then go after it with everything you’ve got."
Doug: "Exactly. Expectation is the first step. If you don’t believe you can achieve something, you’ll unconsciously sabotage yourself. But if you expect success, you’ll naturally seek out opportunities and take risks to make it happen. And then, of course, you’ve got to back that up with a solid plan and bold action. Life doesn’t give you what you wish for, it gives you what you demand."
Dave: "Couldn’t have said it better myself. So, if you’re listening to this and you’ve been hesitating on a big decision, let this be your sign to take action. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, it doesn’t exist. Trust yourself, make a plan, and go after what you want. Because, as Hill reminds us, the only thing worse than making the wrong decision is making no decision at all."
Doug: "Alright, Dave, we’ve been talking about the importance of making decisions and sticking to them, but there’s another layer to this that Napoleon Hill dives into, who you share those decisions with. He says, ‘Keep your own counsel… Take no one into your confidence, EXCEPT the members of your “Master Mind” group.’ This is huge. It’s about protecting your vision and your energy. What are your thoughts on this?"
Dave: "Oh, this is so critical. I think a lot of people don’t realize how much damage they can do by sharing their goals with the wrong people. Hill is basically saying, ‘Trust your own judgment, and don’t go looking for validation or approval from others.’ Because here’s the thing, when you share your dreams with someone who’s not aligned with your vision, they might unintentionally (or intentionally) plant seeds of doubt. And that can totally derail you."
Doug: "Totally. I’ve seen this happen so many times. Someone has this amazing idea, they’re super excited about it, and then they tell a friend or family member who’s like, ‘Are you sure that’s a good idea? That sounds risky.’ And boom, suddenly, they’re second-guessing themselves. It’s like, why did you even ask that person in the first place? They’re not in your Mastermind group!"
Dave: "Exactly. And let’s break that down, what is a Mastermind group? Hill describes it as a select circle of people who are in complete sympathy and harmony with your purpose. These are the people who get it. They’re not going to discourage you or make you feel small. They’re going to challenge you in a good way, help you refine your ideas, and keep you accountable. It’s a safe space for growth."
Doug: "Right. And I think the key here is intentionality. You can’t just let anyone into your Mastermind group. You have to be super selective. These are the people who are going to lift you up, not tear you down. And honestly, sometimes that means keeping your circle small. It’s better to have two or three people who truly get you than a dozen who don’t."
Dave: "Absolutely. And this ties into something else Hill says, ‘The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs are, generally, easily influenced by the “opinions” of others.’ This is so true. Think about it, how many people do you know who’ve missed out on amazing opportunities because someone else talked them out of it? Maybe it was a family member, a friend, or even something they read in the news."
Doug: "Yes. I have a friend who wanted to invest in real estate a few years ago. He did all the research, found a great property, and was ready to pull the trigger. But then he told his coworker about it, and the coworker was like, ‘Real estate? In this economy? That’s way too risky.’ And just like that, he backed out. Fast forward to today, and that property has more than doubled in value. He missed out because he let someone else’s fear dictate his decision."
Dave: "That’s such a perfect example. And it’s not just about people, it’s also about the media. Hill talks about how people let newspapers and gossip do their thinking for them. Like, how many times have you seen headlines like, ‘The economy is crashing!’ or ‘Investing is too risky right now!’ And suddenly, everyone’s paralyzed with fear. But here’s the thing, successful people don’t operate that way. They don’t let the noise drown out their own judgment."
Doug: "Exactly. Wealthy people and entrepreneurs know that there are opportunities in every economy. They don’t blindly follow public opinion or media narratives. They do their own research, trust their instincts, and make decisions based on their goals. And that’s what sets them apart. They’re not mentally lazy, they’re proactive and intentional."
Dave: "Which brings us back to the idea of mental laziness. Hill is basically warning us against the habit of letting others think for us. And let’s be real, it’s so easy to fall into that trap. It’s easier to just go along with what everyone else is saying than to think critically and form your own opinions. But if you want to be successful, you’ve got to break that habit."
Doug: "100%. And I think this is where having a strong Mastermind group comes in. When you surround yourself with people who think like you, who are aligned with your vision, it’s so much easier to drown out the noise and stay focused. They’ll help you see through the fear and hesitation that holds so many people back."
Dave: "Totally. And I love how Hill emphasizes that success comes from making firm decisions based on research, experience, and clear goals. It’s not about blindly following the crowd, it’s about trusting yourself and your ability to make good decisions. And honestly, that’s a skill that anyone can develop. It just takes practice."
Doug: "Absolutely. So, if you’re listening to this and you’ve been letting other people’s opinions dictate your decisions, it’s time to take back control. Start by being more selective about who you share your goals with. Build your Mastermind group, those people who will lift you up and keep you accountable. And most importantly, trust yourself. You’ve got this."
Dave: "Doug, we’ve been talking a lot about decision-making and the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people in your Mastermind group. But there’s another piece to this puzzle that Napoleon Hill brings up in Chapter 8, and it’s something I think we’ve all struggled with at some point, procrastination. He calls it the ‘common enemy which practically every man must conquer.’ And honestly, that’s such a powerful way to frame it. Procrastination isn’t just a bad habit, it’s the opposite of decision-making. It’s what keeps us stuck."
Doug: "Totally. And I love how Hill contrasts procrastination with decision-making. He says successful people make quick, firm decisions and stick to them. They don’t hesitate, overthink, or let fear paralyze them. On the flip side, indecisive people waver. They’re always waiting for the ‘perfect moment,’ which, spoiler alert, never comes. It’s like that saying, ‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.’ But so many people just keep waiting."
Dave: "Exactly. And here’s the thing, procrastination isn’t just about laziness. It’s often rooted in fear. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of making the wrong decision. I’ll give you an example. I had a friend who wanted to start a business, sound familiar? But she kept putting it off. She’d say things like, ‘I need better video equipment,’ or ‘I need to plan more content,’ or ‘What if no one watches my video?’ Meanwhile, someone else with the same idea just went for it, and now they’ve got a huge following. My friend missed out because she let procrastination win."
Doug: "Ugh, that’s such a relatable story. And it’s not just business, it’s about anything in life. Like, think about investing. How many people do you know who’ve said, ‘I’ll start investing when the market feels safer,’ or ‘I’ll do it when I have more money’? But here’s the truth: there’s never a perfect time. The market will always have ups and downs. The economy will always have uncertainties. But successful people don’t wait for certainty, they make decisions, take action, and then work to make those decisions right."
Dave: "Love that. Hill actually says, ‘Don’t worry about making the right decision, work to make your decisions right.’ That’s such a game-changer. Because here’s the thing, no decision is ever 100% foolproof. There’s always some level of risk. But if you wait for absolute certainty, you’ll never move forward. It’s like standing at the edge of a diving board, overthinking every possible outcome, while everyone else is already in the pool having fun."
Doug: "Exactly. And that’s where your Mastermind group comes in. When you’re surrounded by people who are aligned with your vision, they’ll help you push past that fear and hesitation. They’ll remind you of your goals, challenge you to take action, and hold you accountable. It’s like having a personal support system that keeps you from falling into the procrastination trap."
Dave: "Absolutely. And I think that’s why Hill emphasizes the importance of working with like-minded people. When you’re around people who are decisive and action-oriented, it rubs off on you. You start to adopt those same habits. But if you’re surrounded by people who are always hesitating, overthinking, or talking themselves out of things, it’s going to be so much harder to break free from procrastination."
Doug: "Totally. And let’s be real, procrastination is a tough habit to break. It’s not something you overcome overnight. But the first step is recognizing it for what it is, the enemy of progress. And then, it’s about training yourself to make decisions quickly and confidently. Start small if you need to. Build that muscle of decisiveness, and over time, it’ll become second nature."
Dave: "Couldn’t agree more. And speaking of building habits, that brings us to our next topic, Persistence. In Chapter 9 of Think and Grow Rich, Hill dives into why persistence is the ultimate key to success. He says it’s the one quality that separates those who achieve their dreams from those who give up too soon. And let me tell you, this chapter is packed with insights that will completely change the way you think about perseverance."
Doug: "Absolutely. Because here’s the thing, decision-making is the starting point, but persistence is what keeps you going. It’s what helps you push through the obstacles, the setbacks, and the moments when you feel like giving up. Hill even says, ‘Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.’ It’s the thing that makes you unbreakable."
Dave: "Love that. So, if you’ve ever struggled with staying motivated, or if you’ve ever wondered how some people seem to keep going no matter what, you’re going to want to tune in next time. We’re going to break down Hill’s principles of persistence and share some powerful stories that will inspire you to keep pushing forward, no matter what."
Doug: "Exactly. And here’s a little teaser for you—Hill talks about how persistence isn’t just about brute force. It’s about having a definite purpose, a burning desire, and a plan. It’s about staying focused on your goals, even when the road gets tough. So, if you’re ready to build that kind of resilience and determination, make sure you join us for the next episode. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this."
Dave: Now, before we go, do us a favor: Share this episode with someone who needs to hear it. Tag a friend, post it on your stories, or forward the link to your work bestie. You never know—it might spark the conversation that leads to their Mastermind Group… or even yours.
Doug: "Speaking of masterminds and community, what if you could sit down every week with a group of like-minded people to dive deeper into the principles of “Think and Grow Rich” and actually apply them to your life? Imagine having a space where you can ask questions, share insights, and get inspired by others who are on the same journey to success. Sounds amazing, right?"
Dave: "That’s exactly what we’re offering with our weekly live online discussion on “Think and Grow Rich”. Each week, we break down a new chapter, explore the key concepts, and discuss how to put them into action. It’s not just about learning, it’s about transforming your mindset and taking real steps toward your goals."
Doug: "Whether you’re just starting your journey, or you’ve been studying personal development for years, this is your chance to connect, grow, and hold yourself accountable. So, grab your free copy of “Think and Grow Rich”, and join us live every Monday night and 7 pm Eastern time for an engaging, thought-provoking conversation."
Dave: "Ready to take your success to the next level? You can sign up for our weekly live online discussion group by clicking on the link or going to daveanddoug.com and signing up. Again, that is daveanddoug.com to join our next discussion. Let’s grow together!"
Doug: "See you next time, and remember, your mind is your most powerful tool. Use it wisely!"
Join our Weekly Live Online Discussion of "Think and Grow Rich" every Monday night at 7:00 PM ET.